The Power of Giving

“The future funding of the University is uncertain as governments grapple with regional challenges. In recent years, the University has been faced with substantial reductions in the level of subventions from the contributing governments. This has been attributed to the financial challenges facing governments in the region. This trend, which is expected to continue over the next 5 years, places great uncertainty of the university’s existing revenue model, and consequently its medium to long-term viability.

This presents an opportunity for the university to seek other sources of funding to diversify its revenue portfolio. One way to do this is to stimulate and foster a culture of philanthropy amongst alumni, individuals and organizations, and solicit direct contributions from these potential donors.

“No matter where your passion or interest lies, when you invest in the UWI, your gift has an outsize impact. Gifts of all sizes combine to create a circle of support and a momentum of change that extends beyond the borders of campus, into the local community and out into the world”